| December 31, 2011 | Post In LEAP 11

Consisting of artists Song Dong, Xiao Yu, Hong Hao, and Liu Jianhua, and critic/curator/gallerist Leng Lin, Polit-Sheer-Form Office (PSFO) was originally charted to seek out “collective form.” This book chronicles this six-year search, and in a very detailed manner: in a nod to the absurdist connotations the name PSFO holds in Chinese (translated literally, the “office of pure political form”), every minute of every meeting the five men have ever held is expounded within. Of course, their creative output is, too: from the PSFO insignia Badge (2005) and propaganda oils Polit-Sheer-Form (2007) to their five-man composite portrait Mr. Zheng (2007) and all-blue 10,000-book Library (2008), we see that when it comes to quirky political commentary, five heads are better than one. Yet aside from the search for a new Socialism, the schoolboy antics documented here are testament to a forgotten valence of the old Socialism: of collective, homosocial camaraderie, of early-middle-aged men just hanging out. Adam Gellin